Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Happy New Year! It is so wonderful to see the school bustling with happy and energetic faces again!
There are a few things to keep in mind. Please make sure that you are encouraging your child to do his/her homework. Homework is typically practice or review work that is necessary for the students to master the material. Not completing homework can have a drastic effect on school performance. Your child should also be reading and practicing math facts nightly at home. Don’t forget to ask them about the story as they read. Conversations about what they are reading are just as important as the reading itself!
Remember, we are a PBIS building. We are the Windemere STARS! Every day we are striving to Be Safe, Be Trustworthy, Be Alert and Be Radiant. We talk about this everyday with our students. Please talk to them at home as well.
For parents who pick up their children in the parking lot every day, please remember if you want to pick up your child at the door you must park in the parking lot. There is no parking in the pick-up lane. If you are in the pick-up lane, please continue to pull your car forward until you are at the back of the car in front of you. Gaps in the line make it difficult to keep everyone moving. If you do see a gap in the line, please don’t let that person’s mistake affect your choices. Do not get out of line and cut in front of everyone else.
As always, please reach out to us and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Happy Holidays!
We still have a lot to do before winter break, so please continue to enforce those STAR behaviors so our scholars can continue to shine brightly as we finish 2024. We will be iReady testing from December 9th - 20th. Please check with your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
While you are helping your child with homework, make sure that you are encouraging their effort. It’s not always about getting it right, but it is always about putting in the effort and trying. They are expected to struggle with concepts and skills from time to time. That’s ok! We need to make sure that the work they turn in shows the teacher what they know so he/she knows how to intervene accordingly.
Winter Break is from Dec. 23rd - Jan. 3rd.
I hope that you are able to spend some valuable time with loved ones over this holiday season. Take time to rest and enjoy the company of those you care about. Thank you for your continued support, and don’t forget to reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Principal, Windemere CLC
Hello Families!
I simply cannot believe that it is November already! We are so very busy working and learning each and every day that time is truly flying by. The first grading period has come to an end. Report cards will come home the week of Nov. 11th.
Please make sure that you are checking backpacks every night. We are sending things home regularly that need a guardian’s attention. Students should also be reading and working on math facts every night unless they have other homework.
We are the Windemere STARS. Each day we focus on how to Be Safe, Trustworthy, Alert and Radiant. We are also incorporating the attributes of the Portrait of a Scholar and SEL character traits. For the 1st quarter we worked on Self-Awareness, and now we are focusing on Social Awareness and Self-Management. Please continue to talk to your child about all of these concepts at home.
Thank you for your continued support, and don’t forget to reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Principal, Windemere CLC
Hi Families!
We are really flying through this school year. The end of the first grading period is Nov. 1st. Report cards will come home about a week later. For parents of students in grades 2-5, don’t wait for interims and report cards to check your child’s progress. You can do that every day using Home Access. If you aren’t familiar with Home Access, please call Mrs. Ake in the office and she will gladly help you get that set up.
At Windemere we are the STARs. We strive each and every day to Be Safe, Be Trustworthy, Be Alert and to Be Radiant. These qualities are all in our PBIS matrix. You can ask your child(ren) each day how he/she exhibited these qualities that day. We also are in alignment with the district’s Portrait of a Scholar. For the month of October we have been working on setting daily attainable goals and learning about careers that interest us.
At any time if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher or myself. We are here to help and we are committed to working together as a team to see each of your children grow and thrive!
Thank you,
Dear Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so very excited to kick-off this school year continuing with our theme “Windemere is out of this world!” We are the Windemere STARS, and each day we will strive to Be Safe, Be Trustworthy, Be Alert and to Be Radiant. For the month of September we will also be working on our Social Skills with being kind and respectful. We will work on our Real-World Skills with being on time every day and coming to school to learn every day. This supports the Portrait of a Scholar for Akron Public Schools and learning about our Social Awareness.
If you haven’t done so already, please join our PTA. They do a spectacular job of supporting us and enriching our community. There are a variety of ways that you can become involved too! To find out how, join the PTA Facebook page. They are frequently posting important reminders about upcoming events, and it’s a great place to get answers to some of your general questions about school or PTA.
We believe in effective communication, so please ask your child’s teacher when you have a question or a concern. All of us here at Windemere are dedicated to you and to your children!
This school year is going to be our best year yet! Thank you for sharing your children with us!!
Go Stars!!
Mrs. Megan Lee-Wilfong
Hello Everyone!
I can’t believe we are nearing the end of this school year. It’s so exciting to reflect on all of the amazing things that have been accomplished so far. We still have a little ways to go. Please be sure to stay on top of homework assignments. It’s expected that all of our students are reading each night and practicing math facts. For our older students, they can do this on their chromebooks, so there is no need to go and purchase anything.
Sign up for Summer Camp! There are a number of options for summer camps and activities offered for FREE by Akron Public Schools. Check out this website to see what is available, and register your child(ren) today!
Kindergarten Registration is open online! Please click on this link to register. Feel free to share this information with anyone you know who has a KG student and needs to register.
I also want to thank you for your support and effort all year as we worked together to ensure that Windemere remains a successful, safe, and welcoming school. We value the importance of our partnerships with our students’ families and our community.
Thank you!
Have a safe, happy and exciting summer. I hope to see you at Summer Camp!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Windemere CLC
Hello Everyone!
I hope everyone had a marvelous Spring Break. We still have a ways to go before the end of this school year. Please be sure to stay on top of homework assignments. It’s expected that all of our students are reading each night and practicing math facts.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration is open online! Please click on this link to register.
Feel free to share this information with anyone you know who has a KG student and needs to register.
We will begin OST testing after Spring Break. For specific testing dates for your student in Grades 3-5, please ask your child’s teacher. We need to continue to have good attendance as we tackle these assessments. Speaking of good attendance, we will have a reward for those students who have had 95% attendance with no unexcused absences for this school year. Keep an eye out for more information.
Thank you!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Windemere CLC
Hello Families!
We are busy, busy, busy!!
As time continues to fly by, we are also realizing how close we are to the end of the 3rd quarter! The 15th is the end of Marking Period three, and we will only have one more quarter to go to finish this school year. By now, routines should be well-established for completing homework. Many teachers require that students are reading at home each night as well as proactive math facts. You can always ask your scholar how did he/she shine like a Windemere STAR at school?
As always, thank you for your continued support as we make our way through this school year. Windemere is the best school in APS, and we are proud of our students, families, staff, and community!
Thank you!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Let’s talk Attendance. In order for us to avoid a demotion from the state on our state report card due to Chronic Absenteeism we must achieve a high attendance rating. As a Cleveland Browns Stay in the Game school, we are shooting for 96%! Every week on the announcements we are congratulating the classrooms that are meeting that goal. We really need all students at school, ON TIME, every day. Yes, tardies and early sign-outs count against your child’s individual attendance and against our school-wide attendance as a whole. Of course, if your child has a fever or is vomiting, he/she needs to stay home in order to get better. The typical cold; however, is not usually something that requires a day off of school. Please, please, please do your very best to get your child to school on time each and every day!
We are halfway through the 3rd grading period. Please be sure that your child is staying on top of completing their classwork and homework. They should be reading every day and practicing math facts. Ask questions about what they are reading to be sure that they are comprehending the story.
Thank you,
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! It was so wonderful to see the students’ happy and energetic faces again! I am truly blessed to work with such amazing adults and children! There are a few things to keep in mind. Please make sure that you are encouraging your child to do his/her classwork and homework. The students should also be reading each night and practicing math facts.
Our PTA is busy planning all sorts of events for the second semester. They are always eager to have new people and voices at the table for their meetings, so put these dates on your calendar: Feb. 13th, March 12th, April 16th, and May 6th. All meetings start at 7:00pm.
Remember that we are the Windemere STARs. We are striving to Be Safe, Be Alert, Be Trustworthy, and to Be Radiant each and every day at school. This is our PBIS model for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Last year we earned a Bronze recognition for our PBIS program. We will be shooting for Silver very soon!
As always, please reach out to us and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Happy Holidays!
I hope that you are able to spend some valuable time with loved ones over this holiday season. Take time to rest and enjoy the company of those you care about. We still have a lot to do before winter break, so please continue to enforce those STAR behaviors so we can finish 2023 with a flourish. We will be finishing iReady testing by December, 15th. Please check with your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
While you are helping your child with homework, make sure that you are encouraging their effort. It’s not always about getting it right, but it is always about putting in the effort and trying. They are expected to struggle with concepts and skills from time to time. That’s ok! We need to make sure that the work they turn in shows the teacher what they know so he/she knows how to intervene accordingly.
Winter Break is from Dec. 22nd - Jan. 5th. Students return to school on Jan. 8th.
Thank you for your continued support, and don’t forget to reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Principal, Windemere CLC
Hello Families!
I simply cannot believe that it is November already! We are so very busy working and learning each and every day that time is truly flying by. The first grading period has come to an end. Report cards have come home.
Please make sure that you are checking backpacks every night. We are sending things home regularly that need a guardian’s attention. Students should also be reading and working on math facts every night unless they have other homework.
We are the Windemere STARS. Each day we focus on how to Be Safe, Trustworthy, Alert and Radiant. We are also incorporating the attributes of the Portrait of a Scholar every day. For the 1st quarter we worked on Social Skills, and now we are focusing on Strong Habits of Mind. Please continue to talk to your child about all of these concepts at home.
Thank you for your continued support, and don’t forget to reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong
Principal, Windemere CLC
🔗Here is a link to the document-
Hi Families!
What an incredible start to the school year. Our rituals and routines should be running smoothly with students fully aware of what they need to be doing at any given time. If your child is struggling, please reach out to your child’s teacher, our school counselor Mrs. Hartley, our Dean of Students Mrs. Allen, and of course you can contact me directly. We want every Windemere STAR to have a successful school year.
The end of the first grading period is Oct. 20th. Remember, you can check Home Access at any time to see your child’s grades. You do not need to wait for Interims and Report cards. Just log in to the Home Access Center and you can see your child’s grades any time you want.
We are continuing to teach the students all about how to “Be a STAR” here at Windemere this year. Please talk to your child about how they are exhibiting the characteristics of Being Safe, Trustworthy, Alert and Radiant.
We are also a Stay in the Game school. This means that we are working in partnership with the Cleveland Browns to promote good attendance. The goal is that our students come to school when they are healthy and even with a slight cough or cold. If they are truly sick, they need to stay home. We aren’t promoting perfect attendance, but good attendance. Please see Mrs. Allen if you have any questions.
At any time if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher or myself. We are here to help and we are committed to working together as a team to see each of your children grow and thrive!
Thank you,
Mrs. Lee-Wilfong