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School Supply Lists

2022-23 Windemere School Supply Lists for All Students:

  • All students will need headphones or earbuds, in a labeled Ziploc bag, to use with their Chromebooks.
  • Please send supplies the first week of school.
  • Oher/additional supplies may be required during the school year.
  • Please label all clothing, backpacks, lunchboxes, etc.

If possible, please provide one-two items from the list below for art class for each child in your family:

  • Baby Wipes
  • Crayola crayons – 16 or 24 count
  • Tissues
  • Crayola markers – 8 count
  • Sponges
  • Elmer’s Glue All
  • Bleach wipes
  • Fiskars scissors
  • Ziploc gallon-size bags


Backpack, crayon/pencil box (no pouches), one pair safety scissors for kids, two 24 packs of Crayola crayons, 6-8 large glue sticks, one red plastic two-pocket folder, one package of FAT dry erase markers (no coloring markers, please), one container of Lysol wipes, two boxes of tissues, one package 16 oz. Play-Doh, and one bag of wrapped candy (optional) 

Grade 1

Backpack, zippered pencil bag or pencil box, at least five pencils, one box of twistable crayons (please, no scented crayons, no markers, no colored pencils, no pencil sharpeners), scissors, two glue sticks, one pink eraser, two boxes of tissues, one container of baby wipes or Lysol wipes, one box of sandwich- or gallon-size Ziploc bags, one reusable grocery bag

Optional items: a bag of wrapped candy, a large container of snacks to share with the class (goldfish or animal crackers) – o folders are needed! Please make sure everything is labeled with your child’s name in permanent marker.

Grade 2

Backpack, earbuds/headphones in a labeled Ziploc bag, one three-ring soft-sided zipper pouch (no pencil boxes please), five pencils at all times, crayons (24 count), three small pink erasers, two spiral notebooks, one red/one green/one blue poly plastic folder, scissors, one large glue stick, black dry erase marker, yellow highlighter, one box of tissues. PLEASE KEEP EXTRA SUPPLIES AT HOME TO REPLACE THESE ITEMS AS NEEDED.

Optional items: a bag of wrapped candy, a jump rope for gym class – please no markers, colored pencils, Trapper Keepers, ink pens, art sets, loose notebook paper or pencil boxes. Any items brought in that are not listed will be sent home. Girls only: one container Lysol Wipes, one box quart-size baggies. Boys only: one roll paper towels, one box gallon-size baggies.

Grade 3

Book gag, three one-subject wide-ruled spiral notebooks (70 pages), one red/one blue/one yellow three-prong pocket folder, earbuds or headphones in a labeled Ziploc bag, computer mouse (optional), soft-sided pencil zipper bag (no pencil boxes), three pencils at all times, 16-count or 24-count box of crayons, large glue stick, large pink eraser, scissors. OTHER SUPPLIES NEEDED: three large boxes of tissues, one roll paper towels, one pack baby/bleach wipes, hand sanitizer, cups, bag of wrapped candy for the treat jar. Please keep extra pencils, glue, crayons, etc., at home to replace items as needed. Do not send in pens or markers. YOUR CHILD SHOULD BRING HIS/HER FULLY CHARGED CHROMEBOOK EVERY DAY.

Grade 4

two pencils at all times, colored pencils, scissors, markers, crayons, two large glue sticks, five two-pocket folders, two highlighters, three spiral notebooks, two large boxes of tissues and a roll of paper towels. Please, no Trapper-Keepers or mechanical pencils.

Grade 5

one pack of loose-leaf wide-ruled notebook paper, one five-subject notebook, two boxes of pencils, scissors, four large glue sticks, crayons or colored pencils, one box of tissues and 1\one container of Clorox wipes